Dear Friends and Neighbors:
As we prepare to wrap up the 2020 census and support the Governor’s Complete Count Commission, I want to remind you of the critical work that remains to be completed for the census. It is so important for our state that we all submit our census application.
You may ask yourself why is returning the census application important?
By example, a 1% undercount in SC would leave more than $40 million on the table. This would be tragic. We need to ensure that we bring our fair share of resources back to South Carolina.
Where does SC stand in returning its applications?
Right now, we are 46th in the nation for total enumeration and 43rd in the nation for self-response. We are approximately 5% behind our self-response rate from the 2010 census, the baseline goal for achievement of a complete count. We must and can do better.
What can we do to prevent an undercount?
If you haven't already, please complete your application and then reach out to friends, neighbors, family members and remind them of the importance of completing their census application. It's so easy to do. Just go online at my2020census.gov. It takes less than 10 minutes.
Self-response not only saves tax payer dollars by preventing census workers from coming to their home, but also protects everyone’s health.
Thank you for giving me the honor and privilege of serving you and our community at the State House.
Stay safe! Be vigilant!
